Turn off the TV tonight and give this a look.
There are a ton of things to watch under the video on demand tab. I recommend starting with the movie "The Jesus Film". I had heard about this before but had never had an opportunity to watch it. It's a great movie, available anytime, with an evangilestic message.
There are other movies and a bunch of bible teachers. I see 'Lost boy 2" which is the Greg Laurie story and "Fury to Freedom" which is the story of Raul Reiss, both Calvary Chapel pastors with amazing stories. There are a bunch of other Calvary teachers on here also.
They seem to be growing their library of programs fairly regularly. Enjoy some good Christian programming tonight instead of turning on the TV where even a good program is brought down by the offensive commercials.
Caution: I do see a couple teachers that I wouldn't recommend, as with anything use your discernment.