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Leviticus 17

The Sanctity of Blood

Leviticus 17:1-7

The responsibility for maintaining holiness fell to the people.  He is holy and for his presence among the people, they must maintain holiness and purity.  There were many cultures who offered many sacrifices for various reasons to unknown gods.  The temptation would at times be all around them.  This prohibition essentially removed any opportunity to kill a sacrifice at home or in another altar.  Every sacrifice was to brought to be killed at the tabernacle as a fellowship offering to the Lord.  This prohibition prevented several things:

  1. Kept them from offering to other gods or at unapproved shrines.
  2. Kept them from the use of the blood for appeasing other gods (demons); netherworld deities.

Doing these things would bring guilt of bloodshed to that man.  A sacrifice offered in an open field still required that offering be brought to the door of the tabernacle.  This doesn't speak to the animal that was not suitable as a sacrifice but could be used for food.  Deuteronomy 12:15-16 allows for the non-sacrificial slaughter of animals. 

It may be that the Israelites were offering sacrifices to other gods (false gods, demons) out in the fields.  The word used for demon likely means a goat demon, a satyr demon.  God equates this to harlotry; it is a spiritual unfaithfulness. 


Leviticus 17:8-9

In a similar manner, a man was not to take it upon himself to offer sin offerings or burnt offerings any place he wanted.  He was to bring these to the door of the tabernacle and make his offering to the Lord.  Deuteronomy allows some offerings under specific circumstances with all the appropriate warnings.  The penalty was again being cut off, a severe penalty for those people at that time.


Leviticus 17:10-12

There was no circumstance where a man could eat the blood of the animal.  This is primarily talking about eating meat from an animal that did not have the blood properly drained out.  In addition, at least some thought might be given to the pagan cults who performed blood rituals.  Eating the blood was seen as absorbing the life force of another living thing.  Every life is God's life; He gave it for atonement for the souls of men.  That life was to be offered back to Him.  The life of the flesh is in the blood – the blood is life sustaining.


Leviticus 17:13-14

The blood of a bird was treated with the same reverence.  Its life was also in the blood.  The blood was to be drained out and covered with dust.  Covering it kept any other animal from eating it also. 


Leviticus 17:15-16

Eating an animal that died naturally or was torn by another means you would not know if the blood had been properly drained.  Eating this rendered one unclean, requiring him to wash and be unclean till evening.  Ignoring the violation brought the guilt of the death upon them.

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