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Genesis study & commentary

The book of Genesis.
Genesis is the beginning of all things, written by Moses as directed by God.  The writings of the Pentateuch are attested to Moses in Matthew 8:4; Mark 12:26; Lube 16:29; Luke 24:27, 44; John 5:46; John 7:22; Acts 15:1; Romans 10:19; 1 Corinthians 9:9; and 2 Corinthians 3:15.   The name Genesis comes from the Greek translation meaning origins. 
When making sense of the rest of the bible, you have to know where the fall of man happened, how it happened, why it happened.  As the book of Genesis opens in paradise at the tree of life, so the book of Revelation closes there with the culmination of the solution to man's problem created by Adam and Eve in Genesis.  Genesis presents creation by divine fiat, ex nihilo (out of nothing).  
This is part of who God is; the creator of all.  His identity of "I AM" speaks of his eternal being.  He was before time was.  He revealed himself to Israel as their deliverer, creator, and heavenly father. 

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Isaac is born;
Sarah turns against Hagar;
Abraham is told to sacrifice Isaac.
Death and Burial of Sarah
A bride for Isaac.
Abraham's death; Ishmael's descendants and Isaac's sons.
Isaac goes to Gerar because of famine.
Jacob's deception.
Jacob is sent away. He has a dream along the way.
Jacob meets Rachel. The deceiver is deceived.
Rachel and Leah have kids. Jacob increases his flocks.