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Isaiah study & commentary

Isaiah 2

By Doug Ford
The Future House of God;
The Day of the LORD

Isaiah 2:1-5

It's interesting to note that Isaiah saw this word concerning Judah.  Isaiah must have seen this in some kind of vision.  'In the latter days' is talking about the future when things would be set right again.  On this side of the cross, we would say these are the days when Jesus will reign.  The mountain of the Lord is Mount Zion, Jerusalem.  The Lord will rule and reign worldwide; over all the other mountains.  In those days, folks believed that the gods reigned from particular mountains; this god ruled over something from a particular mountain, and another god ruled from another mountain.  Isaiah's point is that God will rule from Mount Zion over all nations and all perceived gods.  In those days, it won/'t just be Israel blessed by God's presence but 'all' the nations. 


People will go to the mountain of the Lord and receive direction.  The word 'teach' in verse three is a form of the word torah, the verbal law.  This is a day when people once again abide in the Lord and His ways.  The teaching will be received by the people and then 'go forth' to the nations by the people. 


During the millennium this will be the center of all power as Jesus rules from His throne.  He will be the judge and settle disputes among nations.  This is the famous verse used in the United Nations.  They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.  This can only happen when Jesus rules the world and the affects of sin and nullified.  There won't be any use for swords and spears; they will be turned into implements of agriculture.  The reverse of this phrase is seen in Joel 3:10 as pictures of war and wrath.


What a future that will be.  As Isaiah looks to Israel in that day, he encourages them to turn from the little gods and their pride and walk with Yahweh, in His ways. 


Isaiah 2:6-9

The previous verses talked about this awesome time that is coming in the latter days. That is a sure hope, a fixed future.  But the path from the current situation to that time, was a choice the people had to make.  It was a choice of walking in the Lord's ways or rebellion and judgment. 


Judah was in rebellion and had turned their back on the Lord.  Instead of trusting in the light of the Lord (v5) they looked to the rising sun for light (east).  They trusted divination and foreign alliances.  It was also a very prosperous time for the nation and they began to trust in riches; silver, gold horses, chariots and treasure    The land was overflowing with blessings for which they could thank God.   But the land was found full of idols; the nations was unfaithful to God.  They were giving other gods credit for what Yahweh had done.  They were forming idols from their own hands and then bowing down to them; each man bowing low (humbling) to another god. 


Do we do this?  Do we trust more in the work of our hands than in the Lord?  Isaiah said we need to trust in the Lord and the Lord's way and not follow all these idolatrous ways.  We need to walk in the light of the Lord today.


Isaiah 2:10-11

Judgment is coming.  The terror of the Lord is a terror we can't even imagine.  Our humanity flinches at the thought; Isaiah advises hiding.  All the haughtiness and arrogance of man will be brought to the dust.  The rich, educated, connected, influential and warriors will all bow in the dust.  All that they trusted in and made them feel secure will disappoint them. 


Every knee will bow.  Those that worship Him will bow and cry holy, holy, holy and exalt Him.  Those who worshiped other gods will bow when they are brought low and agree with God when he announces his right judgment against them.  Everyone will understand on that day.  All the excuses that man has given over the years for not following God will sound lame.


Isaiah 2:12-22

God has a day in store for the proud and lofty.  All that they elevated will be brought low.  This 'Day of the Lord' is their near judgment they faced; the final 'Day of the Lord' is when all the nations and all of mankind will be dealt with.   The oaks of Bashan and cedars of Lebanon were prized building materials symbolizing wealth and power.  The mountains on which they thought their god reigned will be brought low.  The hills on which they worshiped others will be judged.  The walls behind which they hid and felt safe, will be crushed.  The ships of Tarshish and sloops on the water will also be judged by the Lord as a symbol of wealth and power.  They will also be judged because of man's arrogant trust in them.  The Lord alone will be exalted in that day.  Imagine the disappointment of men who put their faith in worthless idols when they find they have no worth before the Lord. 


Men will flee from God when he rises to shake the earth (See Revelation 6:16).  Men will throw away their idols willingly as they hide in the caves from God's wrath.  The precious idols will rule over the moles and bats in the dark of the cave (gods of the blind in the darkness). 


Isaiah advises separating from man for leads you away from God.  Whose breath is in this man's nostril? The breath of the creator.  What account is the man without God's breath?   Why do we put our trust in men?  Why would we follow and care what another man says if they don't follow the Lord?


©2018 Doug Ford