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Isaiah study & commentary

Isaiah 59

Sin Confessed
The Redeemer of Zion

Isaiah 59:1-3

At times it seems as though there are situations out of God's control; things happening that seem random, uncontrolled and chaotic.  Yet, God remains sovereign.  When we see people who are far from God and self-destructive, we might think of them as too far away, as though God could not reach them.  One might have looked at Israel during this age and thought the same thing. 


Yet, God was able then and remains so today.  He has not lost His ability to reach man.  We cannot run so far away that He can't hear us.  The distance between us and God was not created by Him.  It is a sins that separate us, these things distance us from our Great God.  It is our sin that comes between us and God.  The defilement of blood may be improper sacrifices or their own hands were guilty of bloodshed.  This, coupled with lies and perversity, opened a great distance between them and God. 


Isaiah 59:4-5

Justice and truth are often paired up as the primary tests of the people's hearts.  When these are set aside for personal agendas then it is clear the Lord's word's and ways are not prevalent in the land (see also 1;23).  With their empty words and lies, they get by, as if everything were fine.  They weave their lies and spin their webs to trap and oppress, all the while they play religion and ignore God's ways.  In the spinning of their webs they conceive evil by their actions, the brings forth (gives birth to) iniquity.    


Isaiah 59:6-8

The webs they've created will not cover them before God.  The lies and deceit can't be covered by some good works.  The net of their work is iniquity and violence in the eyes of the Lord.

  • The work was iniquity
  • Their feet run to evil
  • Their thoughts were sinful

These show the nature of their heart.  They were far from God.  There was no way of peace or justice.  They had created for themselves these torturous and twisted paths of life over the paths of the Lord.  These are not roads that lead to peace, but are roads to nowhere.  Hopelessness, empty promises and weariness are the fruit of the crooked ways of man.


Isaiah 59:9-15a

The work, walk and thoughts of God's people had gone astray.  They departed from the way of peace and there was no justice.  They had created crooked paths for themselves, their neighbors and their future family.  This brings a 'therefore' which gives us the effect of the sin in their lives.  Justice was a far away.  This is a different 'justice' from that earlier in the chapter.  This is a quality of being; of being in the rules and standards, of bring free of bias, free from prejudice and bias.  Righteousness wasn't going to catch up to them and overtake them. 


They had separated themselves from the things of God.  These people are characterized a walking in darkness, groping as blindmen and stumbling through the day and night alike.  They appeared to be without hope, like dead men in desolate places.  The growling and moaning were cries of despair, anguish and mourning.  The people found that they had no ability to find their own way back.  Over and over this lesson was learned; over and over we learn it.  They seem to look and look but never find salvation and justice.


They stand in sin.  It is multiplied and testifies against them.  It's a burden they cannot shed, baggage that can't be put down.  It's characterized as lying, turning our back on God, oppressing others and rebelling.


Justice and righteousness were coming; salvation and redemption were on the way.  All they had to do was wait in faith (51:4-6).  But now justice has turned back, righteousness stays away, truth has fallen and equity is locked out.  In this state, anyone departing from evil will make themselves prey among the evil of this society.  Evil is the norm, accepted and expected. 


Isaiah 59:15b-21

'Then' things changed.  It was as if the Lord saw no man could not turn back by his own power.  In reality is more like man learned of his inability to save himself.  There was no quality of being to be had.  There was a great void between God and children and intercessor to stand in the gap. 


'Therefore' the Lord provided Himself an intercessor.  In the playing out of 59:1 His own arm brought it, His own righteousness was the answer.  He comes as a divine warrior.  He brought salvation by conquering sin and death.  To His enemies He brought fury and recompense.  The standard will be lifted, war declared against His enemies – it will be a short one. 


This redeemer will come to Zion.  We know He's been there in the past and that He will come again.  His Spirit will fall on them and His words will be on them and in them and not depart. 


©2018 Doug Ford