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Isaiah study & commentary

Isaiah 64

Prayer of Penitence continued.

Isaiah 64:1-5

This is an unfortunate chapter break.  The Prayer of repentance started  at 63:15.  We should read through that prayer, then continue on into this chapter ignoring the chapter break.  As the people cried out to the Lord, the prayer began as a plea to 'look down'; now they ask the Lord to tear open the heavens and 'come down'. This has the look of the Lord descending on Mt Sinai.  God is a consuming fire and the mountains were melted at his presence.  The mountains are shaken and fire consumes everything.  All this would make the Lord's name famous among the nations.  They would come to know all the amazing things He has done and we've not credited Him or thanked Him in any way.  It would be abundantly clear there is only God, all others that might attempt to compete are mere weak imitations. 


Waiting on the Lord will pay off.  His patience and timing cause us problems, but He will act on behalf of those who wait, those who rejoice, do righteousness and remember Him and His ways.  We are solely and completely at the mercy of a merciful God.  It's never been any different than that.  He has allowed us freedom, but will hold us accountable for how we spent that freedom. 


Isaiah 64:6-7

An unclean thing was not allowed in the temple; it was unfit for and service or presence in the assemble with sacrifice or worship.  We tend to think of the unrighteous as those other people; the ones we know that do bad things.  We rarely apply it to our self, we tend to think we are pretty righteous, pretty good as we judge on a curve always making sure we know someone worse than us.  The remnant realizes their situation claiming their righteousness is an unclean thing, as a filthy rag.  This filthy rag is cleaned up language; a menstrual clothe, an unclean discharge.  This was a picture of their righteousness that makes you glad we weren't given a picture of their unrighteousness.  The fading leaf is withering, unstable and not able to control its future.  The wind comes and goes; surprising us at times with its destructive intensity.


No one had any claim to the Lord.  No one deserved His attention or mercy.  In their iniquity they didn't call on Him or stir themselves up to return to the Lord.  They relinquished their favor and blessing when they parted from the Lord, as if He hid His face from them.


Isaiah 64:8-12

But now.....  these are sweet words to follow the hopelessness of mankind's situation.  This is surrender to His sovereignty recognizing He is our creator and we are nothing.  If there is any good or beautiful thing to come from our life, it can only come by the hand of the potter.  It is their sin that brought the desolation, burned city, destroyed temple and wilderness setting.  This is what we deserve, this is what our righteousness brings.  Our finest is a mess.  God's finest awaits those who repent and trust; who wait on Him.  Peace, hope, healing, redemption and salvation are in His nature.


©2018 Doug Ford