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Isaiah study & commentary

Isaiah 65

The Righteousness of God's Judgment
The Glorious New Creation

Isaiah 65:1-5

Israel in Babylon, in exile, did ask and seek, but not in earnest repentance.  The Lord had warned and called them repeatedly through many prophets.  But they remained in rebellion.  In contrast, the Lord allowed Him self to be sought out by gentiles who weren't looking for Him.  Like all of mankind, they searched for meaning, but didn't now where it was found until they found the Lord.  As He revealed Himself to Israel, He did so the gentiles also.  Paul quoted from this passage in Romans 10:20. 


Israel remained in rebellion.  They provoked the Lord to continual anger in their actions.  He gave the guidelines to keep them in bounds but they ignored these, seeking their own way, decided what they wanted was more important.  They sought many gods in many places and saw themselves as holier than even the Lord God.  This is an indication of just how blind and corrupt we can be in our sinful nature and our self righteousness.  When we get to define goodness and righteousness, we bend it to our favor.  There is no limit in our ability to do this and deceive even our self, even to our own demise. 


Isaiah 65:6-7

They trusted in their works and righteousness and the Lord is going to give them what they deserve.  To 'repay into their bosom' is to 'pay back into their lap'.  As had been seen previously where the children suffered from the sins of the parents; they would suffer for their sin. 


Isaiah 65:8-10

Most of the cluster of grapes appeared to be bad.  But instead of destroying all of the cluster, God removes and preserves the good grapes, finding a blessing among the rotten and useless.  In the same way, He will preserve His servant, the true follower, the elect and they shall inherit the land, the blessings and promises.  They would be the flock spread out across the pastures of the valley and God would be their Shepherd.  This brings to mind the picture of Psalm 23.


Isaiah 65:11-12

In contrast to this remnant of true followers is what remains of the cluster.  They have forsaken and forgotten.  Instead of trusting in the Lord, they chose to control their fortune and fate by worshiping other gods. Gad was the Canaanite god of fortune while Meni was the god of fate or destiny.  Because they sought their fortune and fate in another, they would suffer and be slaughtered in judgment.  God called, they did not answer - they did not hear, because they were not seeking.  They denied their shepherd, they left the flock. 


Isaiah 65:13-16

God gives direct contrast of His blessing and care for the servant in contrast to those who rejected Him.


The servant shall:                  Those who worship idols shall:

Eat                                           Be hungry

Drink                                       Be thirsty

Rejoice                                    Be ashamed

Sing for Joy                            Shall cry for sorrow

Name associated w/curse       A new name


At that time those in the land and those in the Lord will be the same; to be in one will be to be in the other.  This salvation makes all things new and the former troubles are forgotten news.  What a glorious promise of a supreme day!!


Isaiah 65:17-25

The tells them more of that coming glorious day.  The frustrations of sin will be gone.  They will work and enjoy the fruits of their labor.  No more will they be working so others can take it from them.  This new heaven and earth seems to be the millennium; when the Lord is ruling in Jerusalem (v19).  See also 2 Peter 3:13 and Revelation 21:1.  John seems to indicate the new heaven and earth will be after the Great White Throne Judgment.  The prophetic timeline is not as clear cut as we'd like to see it.  People will enjoy what God has created; this is what he wanted in the beginning when man was created.  In this time, a one hundred year old will still be considered a child.  Life span is greatly multiplied is the understanding but again, does this imply we live and die in the millennium?  The Lord will shepherd His children; knowing what they need before they ask, hearing them as they speak.  He is present in their lives.  Former natural enemies in the animal kingdom wild dwell together.  More evidence of the new heaven and earth.


©2018 Doug Ford