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1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 7

By Pastor Doug
Principles of marriage; Paul answers the questions asked by the Corinthian believers pertaining to marriage.

The anchor point from which all discussion of marriage must be referenced to: 

18 And the Lord God said, "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him." 19 Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him.

21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. 22 Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.

23 And Adam said:

"This is now bone of my bones

And flesh of my flesh;

She shall be called Woman,

Because she was taken out of Man."

24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. (Genesis 2:18-25)

Barclay said:

Now, orthodox Jewish belief laid down the obligation of marriage. If a man did not marry and have children, he was said to have 'slain his posterity', 'to have lessened the image of God in the world'. It was said that seven categories of people were excommunicated from heaven, and the list began:

  • 'A Jew who has no wife;
  • or who has a wife but no children'.

God had said: 'Be fruitful and multiply,' and, therefore, not to marry and not to have children was to be guilty of breaking a positive commandment of God. The age for marriage was considered to be 18; and therefore it is highly unlikely that so devout and orthodox a Jew as Paul once was would have remained unmarried. (2) On particular grounds, there is also evidence that Paul was married. He must have been a member of the Sanhedrin, for he says that he gave his vote against the Christians (Acts 26:10). It was a regulation that members of the Sanhedrin must be married men, because it was held that married men were more merciful.

[ Barclay, W. (2002). The Letters to the Corinthians (3rd ed., pp. 71–72). Louisville, KY; London: Westminster John Knox Press.]

This would be just another factor affecting the view on marriage in the church of Corinth where Greek and Roman culture was so prevalent.  All these differing ideas, traditions and priorities were brought to the church by the people.  It's no wonder they were full of questions that needed answered.  We can imagine what the questions were by the answers Paul gave in an effort to clarify what marriage should look like to them; in the church, in the age of grace and in a sin-fallen world.


1 Corinthians 7:1-2

What a messed-up church Corinth was.   However, for the most part, they were just men and women doing their best in a fallen world.  The values that are so contrary to the what we would associate with the church were the prevalent values in the culture.  In a sense, that's all many knew.  These new behaviors brought by the Lord were all new.  Christianity was a strange new concept.  Some of these new Christians had never had any marital freedoms.  Corinth was a mix of Greek culture, Roman Empire, Jewish influence and now Christianity.  In the Greco Roman culture, marriages were arranged, some very young; some became married to because of politics, family status or some other arrangement.  In the pagan culture many times marriages happened to girls as young as 11-12 years old.  Then, married, a man could divorce any time he wanted.  There was also a double standard of purity.  The men demanded it of a wife but they didn't hold to any standard of purity or even loyalty to a marriage commitment. Many cultures practiced polygamy where they might have many wives. 

Now suddenly Christianity comes along.  Rich, poor, Jew, Gentile, free or slave all could join together in one fellowship.  The cultural rules no longer applied.  This was a strange new concept.  It was a new freedom the people weren't used to.   As a result of freedoms, they had never experience before some of the believers of Corinth were getting married for the wrong reason or they got divorced because their spouse didn't believe.  Some were only using that for an excuse.  They were justifying their sinful behaviors by saying it was to improve their spiritual status.  Some scholars believe there were women teaching that celibacy was more spiritual life; this may have been a movement among the women.  We know that in antiquity there was deep admiration for ascetic (self-denial, devotion) practices.  These practices included celibacy and it appears some Corinthians subscribed to this.

Imagine someone saying that we need to be done with all our passions and natural desires.  It is thought that at the time, some were saying, "To be a real Christian, you must forego marriage.  To be spiritual, you needed resist your natural attractions to the opposite sex."

Paul had written a letter to the Corinthians prior to this one in which he apparently addressed some issues regarding sexuality.  After this letter was received by them some of the Corinthians wrote Paul to ask some questions.  Now Paul is sending them the answer back in this letter.   Up to this point in the book, Paul dealt with the issues in Corinth that had been brought to his attention.  Now he is answering specific questions from the people of the church. 


Is it okay for a Christian to be celibate?

The first question was apparently a question regarding celibacy or remaining single; something like, "Is being single better than being married?"  Paul will answer their question with full knowledge that sexual immorality was a major problem in the church and culture.  Remember, he is answering their question, not trying to give a full doctrine regarding marriage.  Some at Corinth may have reasoned; if this sexual immorality was that bad, then not being married might be better for spiritual health.  Paul's response is that it is perfectly fine to remain celibate.  Yet, it was not his intention to imply sex itself was sinful.  Marital status does not make one more holy, righteous or favorable before the Lord.

"It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him."

(Genesis 2:18)

The Jewish views of marriage among the views of Corinth must have been like the Amish in Vegas.  The Jews believed it was God's command to marry and have children.  To not do so was an offense.  In the Greek culture, the idea was 'sex is great as long as you don't get tied down in marriage'.  Some saw marriage as a means to have and raise a family.  Even then, it appears there was little to no marital fidelity.   This all had to be very confusing to them.  Paul begins sorting it out.  Celibacy is okay but because of the sexual immorality it's better for a man to have a wife and a wife to have a husband. 

Remaining unmarried might work in many, or most places.  Being unmarried in Corinth, in the presence of the constant temptations that surrounded them, would be very difficult.  Paul is not giving them a reason to be married but saying being married should make refraining from sexual immorality much easier.


1 Corinthians 7:3

A husband and wife are equally responsible to show the other affection.  The Jews saw this affection as part of the marriage contract while the Greeks saw this as voluntarily putting yourself under another authority.  If you were unmarried then celibacy was okay; but after you are married it is no longer an option.  We guys in particular should note the word 'affection' is used here.  We owe our wives affection.  This isn't easy for us and doesn't necessarily come naturally.  This affection is also a mutual responsibility and you shouldn't look at this as 'my spouse owes me affection' but instead that 'I owe affection to my spouse.'   Do you see thar your attitude of owing affection is you focusing on your spouse, rather than yourself.  Within a healthy marriage affection is your responsibility and it's not contingent upon anything else.  It should never be withheld as punishment and used as leverage to get your way.

It's an amazing fact that God chose that one person for each of us.  When you find that one person and make that life commitment, we know the two become as one.  Right away you begin to grow together and after a while you finish each other's thoughts and sentences.  In a very short time, you realize you really are one and you can't imagine functioning without your spouse.

Joined to them, we look out for their interest as if it were our own.  We are so bound together that we have authority over the other's body.  This isn't a selfish "You belong to me and I'll do whatever I want' statement.  This is a loving "I am yours; I have given myself to you.'  It's not a husband saying 'you belong to me.'  It's saying 'I belong to you.'  This is a call for each one to owe their affections to the other.  And it is a very binding call to the point where each has authority over the other.

With authority comes responsibility.  Neither has a right to withdraw from the relationship and keep their affections to themselves.  Neither husband nor wife can live a celibate life.  My place in that relationship is not to exercise my authority by being demanding.  It's my job to fulfill my role and that is to give ownership willingly to my spouse.

This answer Paul is giving comes from the thought that some of the Corinthians were considering celibacy while they were married.  With the warnings about sexual immorality, and seeing the effects of it in their culture, some had overreacted and thought they had to take on a celibate lifestyle.  Paul said, within a marriage this can't happen.


1 Corinthians 7:5-9

A husband and wife were not to withhold affections from one another for very long unless they were in agreement to do so.  Paul lists one of the main reasons for doing this was fasting and prayer.  It's interesting that sexual abstinence is tied to fasting and prayer; possibly maintaining ritual cleanness during those times.  If both agree to abstain for a time, they shouldn't do this for too long because Satan will tempt them and test their self-control.  Paul makes it clear that this is a concession.  God allows a husband and wife to do this for a time but by no means should it be understood as a commandment.  There is no commandment to abstain.

Marriage is an institution ordained by God from the beginning.  It is the foundation of family and the means by which society continues on.  Marriage is also a picture and type of church's relationship with the Lord.  Jesus called the church his bride.  Because of these things, Satan attacks marriage in two ways in Corinth. 

  • First you see the culture promoting sex outside of marriage. 
  • Second is deprivation of sex inside the marriage. 

Both of these will kill a marriage. In our day, these attacks have reached a fevered pitch.

  • The culture is steeped in immorality; where illicit sex is the norm.
  • Redefining marriage.
  • Redefining family
  • Gender confusion
  • Lowering the view and importance of marriage.

We've taken something that is God given, pure and holy and turned it over to the godless to make it something manmade and cheap.  Marriage should be God honoring and for the purpose of being fruitful and multiplying. 

Paul said in verse 7 he wished all men could be like him.  We know Paul was married early on in his other life because he was a voting member of the Sanhedrin and you had to be married to be on the Sanhedrin.  We don't know what happened to Paul's wife but he now sees his celibacy as a gift from God.  He has no distraction from Spiritual matters.  However, he recognizes that each of us are gifted in different ways.  Some are called to be single and evangelize as Paul.  Others were to be married, have lots of kids and raise them in the ways of the Lord.

Some were teaching the early church that marriage was forbidden.  This is just Satan about his business to confuse and destroy the things God has ordained.  Paul told Timothy this was a doctrine of demons.

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. (1 Timothy 4:1-3)

At the end of verse 9 it appears Paul is done answering the first question. 


1Corinthians 7:10-11

These verses seem pretty straight forward and don't need a lot of comment.  Paul is speaking to the Christians who were married to Christians.  Some of them apparently thought it might be better for them spiritually if they were divorced.  And the command from the Lord is, a wife is not to depart from her husband and a husband is not to divorce his wife.  This 'command' is Paul repeating what Jesus taught.

32 But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason except sexual immorality causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a woman who is divorced commits adultery. (Matthew 5:31-32)

For Christians married to Christians there is no easy escape.  Even if there is a separation, the husband and wife should still honor the marriage commitment until there can be restoration.  The first order of business in any problem in a marriage must be restoration not separation or divorce.  Too often, the marriage is abandoned and put in the hands of the divorce lawyer with no real attempt at restoration.

We are prone to think that a change in circumstances is always the answer to a problem. But the problem is usually within us and not around us. The heart of every problem is the problem in the heart.  I have watched couples go through divorce and seek happiness in new circumstances, only to discover that they carried their problems with them. A Christian lawyer once told me, "About the only people who profit from divorces are the attorneys!" (Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 1, p. 592). Victor Books.)


1 Corinthians 7:12-16

Paul makes it clear these are his words and not the Lord's.  Jesus didn't speak specifically to these marriages that consist of one believer and one un-believer.  Paul is speaking to the issue based on the principals and knowledge of God and as his authority as an apostle.  Paul may not have realized his words were inspired by the Holy Spirit when he wrote them.  For us, we don't treat the words of Paul any different than the words of Jesus, simply because we believe the bible is all God's word.  All Scripture is God breathed.

The 'rest' are the believers that were married to unbelievers; not fitting in the previous groups of married couples.  They were asking Paul, "What should I do?  I came to know Jesus and I'm born again and I find myself married to an unbeliever.  Should I leave them?   Should I divorce them?"  You know these folks heard and saw all this talk about the institution of marriage while they were still unbelievers.  Now that they are believers they look back and realize they really didn't understand all they needed to know when they were married.  And it may have left some of them saying, "I think I married the wrong person."  Others had the desire to be married to a believer.  So here they sat wondering what to do.  And they were asking, "Can God be honored if I'm married to an unbeliever?"

This is an urgent problem.  It can create a lot of difficulties because the two are operating from two different worldviews.  One spouse seeks to honor God with their life while the other is seeking to please themselves.  We'll see later on in 2 Corinthians that you shouldn't marry an unbeliever.  That's avoiding the problem up front and that's commanded.  But when the problem surfaces after the wedding, it isn't a reason to end the marriage.  It's interesting the way the verses are stated.  You have to take note of this.  It's not up to the believer whether there is a divorce.  It's up to the unbelieving person.


1 Corinthians 7:14

Some of those married to unbelievers were concerned they were somehow defiled by marital relations with an unbelieving spouse.  When, in fact, it was the other way around.  The unbeliever is sanctified by the believer.  This word sanctified in verse 14 does not mean that a believing spouse somehow saves the unbelieving other half.  It means the believing spouse has a special ministry in the life of the unbelieving spouse.  The believer has a spiritual influence over their home. 

There are many more cases where the woman has become a believer and the man has not than the other way around.  But either way, it's an awkward circumstance in a marriage when one believes and the other does not.  The principles apply whether it is a believing wife or a believing husband.  The believer should honor the marriage commitment.

In 1 Peter 3, Peter gave the example of the woman being submissive to the husband so that he might be won over by her behavior.  The same applies the other way.  The husband who believes should treat his wife with great honor and respect showing her the way a godly man treats a woman.  When there is a change in your life, she will notice.  When you show reverence and dedication to the Lord and honor your marriage, she will notice.

Paul says something really important in the second part of verse 14: "otherwise, your children would be unclean, but now they are holy."  Not only does the presence of a believing spouse become a blessing to the unbelieving wife or husband but the believer is also a blessing to the children.  Even if just one parent is a believer the children are considered holy.  This doesn't mean they are sinless it just means they have the blessing of a spiritual protection that comes from God.  Otherwise, if there was a divorce and the children went with an unbelieving parent, there would be no spiritual protection and no blessing.

The concern in Corinth was that the unbelieving parent within these mixed marriages would somehow defile the children.  Paul said that is not the case and shouldn't be used as a reason to end a marriage.  The children were much better off in an intact marriage with one believing parent than being the offspring of a broken marriage.  There was at least some consideration for the kids among the Corinthians. 


1 Corinthians 7:15-16

Reconciliation of the marriage is the first priority and the rule.  However, if that is not possible, then there is no longer bondage to the marriage covenant.  This is a valid divorce and the believer is free to move on without further efforts of reconciliation.

Paul reminds the believers though that God has called us to peace.  We should find His peace in our circumstances.  If you are in the circumstance of being married to an unbeliever, it can be very difficult and frustrating but God works all things to His purpose.  Paul asks, how do you know the unbelieving spouse won't come to know Christ through your actions?  When you live a Godly life, pure and reverent it can't be ignored and we can find great peace in that.

It's noteworthy that the early church didn't do very good at keeping with Paul's teaching here.  In fact, they had a reputation of becoming believers and leaving their spouses behind.  In their newfound freedom as a Christian, they often abandoned their marriages and sometimes their families.  This happened so much that it became a complaint by the unbelievers that these Christians were breaking up homes.  This was not a very good testimony; not a very good way to start your life as a Christian.


1 Corinthians 7:17-24

We can imagine the difficulties of the worldview and culture change that came with becoming a Christian at Corinth.  In addition, some of their brothers and sisters were Jewish and brought with them all kinds of traditions and probably a few legalisms.  Some looked at their circumstances and thought they could improve their spiritual life by making major changes.  Some thought they could be much Godlier if they got divorced and lived as a single person.  Some of the wives suddenly realized they were married an unbeliever (maybe even a couch potato, beer guzzling bum); they wanted to leave the unbelieving spouse to be more spiritual.  Born again husbands spoke of wanting to ditch their pagan wife for someone much more spiritual.  Its strange that they are thinking of refining their walk with God, yet immorality was still an issue in church. 

Paul's exhortation was to walk in the circumstances they were in.  If they had:

  • Previously married someone for the wrong reasons;
  • If they married an unbeliever;
  • If they got saved after the wedding;

Those were your circumstances; errors of judgment coming from an unbelieving heart and mind.  Paul encouraged them not to go back and commit a bigger error trying to fix the mistake.  If there was a sin pertaining to marriage, repent of it, receive forgiveness and get on with life.  Each of us stands in our own particular circumstances today.  Those are the circumstance we were called to; the setting of your life and adventure.  We are of much more value accepting where we stand and looking forward and serving the Lord from where we are, than looking back and worrying about our past mistakes.

God has distributed your portion.  Paul uses the analogy of circumcision.  That might seem a little strange to us but it was a big deal at that time in this church that was a mixture of Jew and gentile.  Gentiles despised it and thought it was mutilation; Jews held fast to it as it was a sign of faith.  This was likely a hot-button issue; as such, there's always people teaching legalisms to stumble others.  If you were called in circumcision that's fine, if you were called in un-circumcision that's okay too.  Don't become circumcised or uncircumcised trying to become more spiritual.  These things weren't significant.  Keeping the commandments of God is what is important.

Paul could have just as easily have said, If you're married, don't get divorced.  If you're divorced or single, don't get married trying to become more spiritual.  Because being married or being single isn't what matters to God.  Changing marital status isn't going to impress God any more than circumcision (or being un-circumcised).

Note:  Uncircumcision was a real thing; a surgical procedure to disguise the marks of circumcision.    

Paul went on to give us the example of slavery.  The slave in this world is God's freedman and the free man is God's slave.  As long as our life circumstance isn't sinful, God can use us right where we are.  A slave who was in bondage to someone might say, "What good am I in bondage with no rights or freedom?  Surely, I need to fix this before God can use me!"  Maybe we've all felt trapped like this at some point in life; left wondering.  Your life and circumstances are meaningful to God.  He is aware of every detail of your life.  Who you are, or were, will become part of your ministry.  You were bought at a price; and that price was a precious price.  That's how important your life is to Him.  He gave the life blood of Jesus Christ to purchase you.  He redeemed us from slavery to sin and eternal separation from God.  Jesus bought you right where you stood at your calling.  He took you 'as is.'  As such, don't become slaves of men and their traditions; of cultural expectations and worldly wisdom.  We have a knack of putting each other in bondage through a variety of means.  This bondage sneaks up on folks as they keep up with the culture, the Jones's or the world's expectations.  In Christ we freed from the ways of the world and the ways of the flesh.  All this to say, putting a burden on men pertaining to marital status can be a form of manmade slavery.

God called you and saved you in your circumstances so He doesn't need you to go on some journey to follow a man-made recipe to get closer to Him.  The 'remain in that state' part of verse 24 might seem scary to some; it's the 'with God' part should that will see us through.  Whatever our circumstance is, we should, first and foremost, remain with God.  He will guide us, sanctify us and eventually glorify us. 


1 Corinthians 7:25-28

In verse 25 Paul begins to answer another question where he gives further detail regarding those that are unmarried.  The word used here for virgins is a word that is more specific to young unmarried women but could also be used for men.  Paul began to answer the question by once again saying he hasn't heard from the Lord.  This was saying that he had no specific teaching from Jesus Christ regarding this.  However, Paul gives his judgment which is inspired by the Holy Spirit and we can take these words as inspired, God breathed scripture.

While Paul was writing this, the present distress was a looming factor.  This may have been something going on at that time; Christian persecution, local war, natural disaster.  It was more likely the present distress and confusion in the body of Christ.  When the church is in distress, the world is in the distress.  The body is the light and hope to the culture through which the Lord works.  When we waiver, fall, run away and hide; the world suffers.  The present distress, whatever it was, put pressure on the family and on marriage. 


1 Corinthians 7:29-31
The use of the 'time is short' teaching here is Paul staying true to the teaching of Jesus.  Paul believed that we should live our lives expecting the return of Jesus Christ.  He believed time was short and he lived life that way.  Some so called bible scholars call Paul a false teacher because of his teaching that time was short.  Paul held fast to the scriptures and the teachings of Jesus.

In saying that time was short, Paul probably wasn't talking specifically about the short span of life.  Life is short and there is no promise of tomorrow.  We should live life as if time is short for whatever reason.  Paul thought time to the return to the Lord was short.  And if Paul thought time was short then, what would he say to us now?

  • When Paul says, 'those that have wives should be as thought they had none' he's not condoning ignoring your wife or duties as a husband.  It's saying, keep marriage in its proper priority.
  • 'And those who weep as though they didn't weep' is not a lesson on holding back tears.  There is a place for tears and weeping in this life.  But there is a time coming when every tear will be dried.  We must keep the proper perspective.
  • 'And those who rejoice as though they did not' isn't Paul telling us not to rejoice.  It's telling us to be conscious about what we rejoice in.  Are we finding reason to rejoice about the things of the world?  Or, do we save our rejoicing for Jesus Christ.  Keep the proper perspective.
  • And 'those who buy as though they did not possess' isn't a command against shopping.   It's a statement that possessions will not matter when this world ends.  Are we spending too much time hoarding our money?  Do we obsess over what we have, or don't have? 
  • And those who use this world should act as though we're not going to misuse it or use it up. 

Time is short. There are more important things than spouses, weeping, rejoicing, possessions and the earth and it resources.  These are things of this world.  We are looking and waiting expectantly for the appearance of Jesus Christ to usher us into another world and we must keep our eyes on Jesus Christ.  Marriage is important and there is nothing wrong with those other things. They have a place in our lives.  Yet, those things will pass away.  We need to maintain a very light grasp on this world.

We spend a lot of our time planning our days and lives and forgetting about eternity.  That same thing was going on with those of Corinth.  Marriage was important, yes, but it is still something of this world.  And, Paul said, the form of this world is passing away.

This 'form' is the Greek word schema.  It's everything which affects the senses; shape, speed, direction, actions and manner of life.  Schema brings to mind the word schematic.  Schematics are the technical drawings that reveal how things work.  And the word for 'world' in this passage is Cosmos.  This is the earth, the universe, all inhabitants of earth and all the affairs of the world.  Paul said the schema of the cosmos is passing away.  All the workings and trappings of this world are being brought to nothing.  This is an active verb; it's passing away.  It's happening right now.  The world is actively passing away right before our eyes. 


1 Corinthians 7:32-35
Paul wanted them to be without care.  This 'care' he is speaking of here is not a casual concern but an overwhelming anxiety.  Paul didn't want them to have all this anxiety about their situation.  He went on to explain why that anxiety exists.  The unmarried person cares for the things of the Lord and how he may please the Lord and the married person cares for the things of the world and how he may please his wife.

Paul is not making a judgment against marriage.  He is saying these folks that are writing him are having this anxiety because once they are married it is their responsibility to be concerned about the things of the world.  He's not saying it's wrong, on the contrary he is saying that's the way it should be; a married couple look out for each other.  If there are kids involved then both parents are looking out for them.

However, a single person doesn't have the same level of concerns.  Paul bounced around from town to town.  He earned a living making tents which provided enough for him to eat and have clothes.  As a single person, that extra energy and time and focus is available to serve the Lord in other ways.   Some singles in Corinth saying, "Hey, now that I'm saved what should I do?"  Some were asking, must I get married while others were asking if it was okay to get married.  Both groups were worried about it and asking what they should do.  If its cause distress, you shouldn't get married.

Paul told them this so they would understand where he was coming from.  It wasn't to put a leash on them or to make either feel as though they had a less desirable situation.  Paul wouldn't put a burden or bondage on folks that way.  The word used for 'leash' here is a trap or a noose.  Once you are caught in it, it will strangle the life out of you. 

If you run off and get married when you are called to be single and serving the Lord, then marriage would be a leash.  Or to be single when God has put the desire in your heart to have a family, your life alone would become a leash.  Either one will be a trap or a noose that keeps you from the life God called you to.  That's why it is important to give these things careful consideration.

These are the kinds of traps that Paul was trying to avoid while telling folks it was okay to be single. He wasn't saying everyone should be like him.  He's just saying he found it to be the best situation for him.  For Paul being single allowed him the freedom to serve the Lord with his whole life.  His mind was focused on things eternal and not on marriage or companionship.


1 Corinthians 7:36-38
Paul may be speaking to the man who is betrothed to a young woman, although scholars debate that it could be speaking of the father of the young lady.  Parents arranged their kids' marriages in those days.  The kids had some input but the father was the authority.  Paul is advising the father based on the 'impending distress.'   If this distress, whatever it may be, is not yet here and she is getting older, the father could let her go ahead and marry.  It wasn't a matter of sin.  Staying single was also okay, if:

  1. He stands steadfast in his heart
  2. He has no necessity
  3. He has power over his own will
  4. And is do determined in His heart.

The father must have determined this in his heart, unwavering, not compelled in any way.  Keeping her from marriage was better because of the impending distress. 

The lesson for us may be that we should treat every situation as unique and not make our decisions based on what others are doing.  But decide based on the calling and leading in our own life.


1 Corinthians 7:39-40

As Paul is answering the questions before him he wanted the young lady to know that she is bound by the covenant of marriage as long as her husband lives.  Marriage is for life and should be treated that way.  If her husband were to die, then she is no longer bound by the marriage covenant and she would be set free to get married again.  But only 'in the Lord' which is to say only to another believer.

It's normal to get married once, for life.  We vow when we are married, "until death do us part."  When the marriage covenant is ended by death, then the survivor is free to remarry.  Some within the church saw themselves as 'spiritual' and offered advice that was contrary to Paul's.

Paul suggested that if there were any among them who were in that situation, they would be happier if they remained a widow.  It was working for him; He knew the Spirit of God's desire for his life.  At the very least He wanted the woman to consider what he was saying," See if God was calling her into celibacy."


©2006, 2010, 2016, 2022 Doug Ford, Calvary Chapel Sweetwater