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1 Kings

1 Kings 3

Solomon Requests Wisdom
Solomon's wise Judgment

1 Kings 3:1-3

Solomon was married when he became king.  His first wife was Naamah the Amonitess.  Then after he began his reign, Solomon made an alliance with the Pharaoh and married his daughter.  Two things become obvious from this.  First, Egypt had declined as a superpower of the world; because no Pharaoh would give his daughter to a foreign king.  That was unheardd of.  The second note is that Israel had risen in prominence on the world's stage and Solomon was well respected as a world leader to be in alliance with Egypt. 

But why an alliance?  What kind of alliance was this?  Is it fascinating that Solomon made an alliance with the very nation that had kept them in bondage for so long.  Israel was to be nation set apart by God for God, not a naiton trusting in treaties and its position among the nations of the world. 

Solomon began building the temple but until it was finished people would still be allowed to sacrifice on the high places.  Sacrificing on the high places was allowed as long as they weren't corrupted from idolatry.  Some of these high places were likely where pagan worshippers sacrificed.  From the beginning we see good and bad in Solomon.  He loved the Lord and walked in his father's statutes, but he compromised and was disobedient in sacrificing and burning incense at the high places. 

Why did Solomon not sacrifice at the tabernacle as a central place of worship?  We don't know.  The Lord allowed this sacrificing until the building of the temple.  We can imagine that worship in this way allowed for all kinds of strange variances of something that was to be a picture of Christ.  In the temple, that standards of the law were upheld and the sacrifice was offered by the priest in the correct manner before the presence of the Lord in the Holy of Holies. 

1 Kings 3:4-5

Solomon sacrificed a thousand burnt offerings at Gibeon; this is where the tabernacle was, but the ark was in Jerusalem.  This was not done out of compulsion or for show.  But it was done in worship to the Lord and the Lord was pleased with Solomon.  He appeared to him there and told him to ask for whatever he wanted.  If God asked you this, what would you ask for?  This is the kind of quesiton that can quickly reveal the character of the person.  King David was known as a man after God's own heart.  Solomon's character will be revealed in his heart's desire.  What is the desire of your heart?  Would the answer glorify God?

1 Kings 3:6-9

Solomon was about 20 years old.  We might imagine how a twenty-year-old could be overwhelmed with leading a nation.  What were you doing at 20?  Were all your decisions sound?  I know what was in my heart at that age and I couldn't have led a nation.  Solomon told God he felt ill equipped to rule over the people and asked for an understanding heart.  We see here that Solomon desires to be a good king and rule in the way his Father said and in a way that would please God. 

1 Kings 3:10-15

God was well pleased with this request and granted Solomon wisdom.  Not only would he have this wisdom but to the degree that there would never be anyone like him or will there ever be after him.  And because he didn't ask for riches and honor, God also gave him these things.

1 Kings 3:16-28

Solomon hadn't risen to a place of prominence where he wouldn't judge between two prostitutes.  We see two immoral women complaining about the lack of truth in the other.  This is ironic.  The truth becomes even more precious and visible in dark places.  It is often not held in high regard from day to day.  We often find our own truth in our justifications; although when The Truth grants us a reward, we are more than ready to seek it.  But truth is truth, no there to be used for reward or to punish another. 

Both women were arguing over this child.  At some point it may have been more about who was right and not about the child.  In Solomon's wisdom he found the mother but shocking her motherly instinct to protect her child.  She no longer would argue selfishly; willing to give anything for the life of her child. 

©2016  Doug Ford