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2 Kings

2 Kings 4

Elisha and the Widow's oil
Elisha Raises the Shunammite's Son
Elisha purifies the pot of stew
Elisha Feeds One Hundred Men

2 Kings 4:1-7

What a great story of the provision of God.  This woman had lost her husband and with no income her sons were going to be taken as slaves to repay the debt.  All she had was a jar of oil.  The word used implies it was probably a small flask for annointing.  At Elisha's direction she went and borrowed vessels and take them behind closed doors.  She had to do this herself privately.  To borrow this took faith; she could have dismissed this as silliness making no sense.  She could have gone to the other extreme and got greedy in acquiring jars.  But her faith was balanced; she humbly sought plenty of provision by faith, as supplied by the Lord.

She then went behind closed doors and poured oil from this tiny flask into many jars until they were all full.  God took the small measure she had and by His power alone multiplied it for her provision.  She was able to sell it and pay her debt.

Elisha wasn't a part of this miracle.  As much as he may have wanted to help gather jars or pour oil, part of this woman's faith was to do as she was directed.  It made no sense, which makes it an obvious blessing from God.     


2 Kings 4:8-17

Elisha was in Shunem and this lady made sure she always took care of Elisha because she perceived he was a man of God.  She was a 'notable' woman, meaning she was wealthy, influential or important in the community.  In response to their kindnes, Elisha asked what could be done for her.  She had no physical need but Gehazi knew she wanted a son.   While she truly wanted a son, she didn't think it possible so she didn't ask. 

When Elisha prophecied she would have a son she begged him not to say such a thing unless it was true.  It was true; and she had a son the next year.  This was a blessing she had not anticipated.  No matter how noteworthy she was, she hadn't been able to have a child. 


2 Kings 4:18-37

When the child was older he died from something that caused pain in his head.  We can only imagine the sorrow of the mother.  But she didn't prepare him for burial, she prepared him for resurrection.  She put the boy in the upper room and sent for Elisha.

The woman stated that all was well to her husband and to Gehazi.  She took her need dicrectly to the man of God.  Elisha seemed somewhat surprised that this had happened but humbly acknowledges that God had hid this from him.  Not everything was revealed to the man of God. 

Elisha sent Gehazi with his staff to lie on the boys face but this made no difference.  The pattern of the miracles God performed through Elisha came from Elisha giving someone something to do.  They then had to follow through and perform this by faith.  In this case the woman didn't believe the staff would heal her son.  She would leave Elisha.  So Elisha went in and laid hand to hand, face to face on the boy as he had seen Elijah do (1 Kings 17:19-23).  He got up, walked back and forth, laid on him again and the boy sneezed 7 times and opened his eyes. 


2 Kings 4:38-44

Elisha put on a stew for the sons of the prophets. There was a famine in the land and they were hungry but someone put some poisonous gourds in the stew.  This was trajic.  It could have killed the prophets but also it ruined the food when it was scarce anyway.  Elisha told them to bring meal and throw it in the pot.  They did as he directed and were able to eat it.  This was a supernatural act of making the stew edible. 

In another incident a guy came with 20 loaves of barley bread.  He is instructed to give them out.  The man questions how he could possibly feed 100 with this.  Elisha tells him they will eat and have some left over. 

©2016 Doug Ford