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2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 2

Solomon Prepares to Build

Solomon's life was characterized with wisdom, understanding, peace, prosperity and now, by the building of the temple, we see praise and worship. The Chronicler puts the focus on the fulfillment of God's promises to David and his son.

The building of the temple was a massive building project. We saw that from the piles of materials David had accumulated; now we see it in the workforce. The temple was to be a place of worship; for there was no way to house God. This temple was for ministering to the God of Israel which was greater than all other perceived gods.

It's interesting that Solomon build the temple with gentile labor and gentile building materials for a place of worship only for Israel. The payment for Hiram in providing help was:

· 125,000 bushels of wheat

· 125,000 bushels of barley

· 115,000 gallons of wine

· 115,000 gallons of olive oil

Hiram's response to Solomon was to provide all that he requested but also acknowledge the Lord as God; the creator of heaven and earth.

The aliens, those who lived peacably in Israel but were non-Israelites, were put to forced labor.


©2017 Doug Ford