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2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 31

The Reforms of Hezekiah

2 Chronicles 31:1

The restoration of templ worship was a spiritual restoration of the land. This restoration wasn't concluded with the function of the temple; as they turned toward God it was also important to turn away from the other gods and idols they had been involved with. God has always informed His people in that He is a jealous God so His people must be fully devoted to Him. A unified people went out and began to remove the sacred pillars, images and high places from Judah and Benjamin; but also, for the first time since the kingdom divided, Ephraim and Manasseh took part in this.


2 Chronicles 31:2-21

The divisions of priests and Levites was established by Hezekiah, according to the law. These were set up for the ongoing function of the temple within the land. The support for the priests and Levites was to come from the other people. They weren't distracted with other jobs but devoted to the Lord. The people responded to the request for support and began right away. These offerings became great heaps of supplies in great abundance.

Hezekiah became an example for others. He did what was good and right and true; this wasn't out of convenience or because it was easy but because it was good, right and true in God's eyes. It's easy to talk our self out of 'good, right or true' when it becomes easy, convenient, desirable or cost effective. All that was done was done with all his heart. Because of this, all that he did prospered.

God's way is always the good, right and true. It always brings a prosperity. How many times the kings failed because they didn't believe this or act it. How many times have we forgot God's ways for all the wrong reasons and wondered why we could not, or did not, prosper.


©2017 Doug Ford