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2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 36

The Reign And Captivity Of Jehoahaz
The Reign and Captivity Of Jehoakim
The Reign and Captivity Of Jehoiachin
Zedekiah Reigns in Judah
The Fall Of Jerusalem
The Proclamation Of Cyrus

The focus on the Chronicler is on the events that led to exile. He moves quickly through these final four kings. There are many more details in 2 Kings.


2 Chronicles 36:1-4

Johoahaz (also known as Shallum), Josiah's son, was made king. He only reigned three months as a 23 year old king. Second Kings tells us that he was an evil king. After his 3 months the king of Egypt, Pharaoh Neco, deposed him, carried him off to Egypt and put the land under tribute. Judah was forced to pay approximately 75 pounds of gold and silver to Egypt. Neco then made Eliakim, Jehoahaz's bother, king in his place; his name was changed to Jehoiakim.


2 Chronicles 36:5-8

Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he became king and reigned for eleven years. He did evil in God's eyes. He paid Neco the tribute by placing a severe tax on the people. But Neco was subsequently conquered by Bablyone. It was only a few years alter that Nebuchadnezzer became king of Babylon and ruler of the new superpower in the world at that time. Jehoiakim was was Nebuchadnezzar's vassal for 3 years. After that he rebelled against him and Nebuchadnezzar came to Jerusalem and bound Jehoiakim in bronze fetters and carried him to Babylon along with much of the gold articles from the temple.

Second Kings tells us this happened according to the Lord's command so they would be removed from His presence. All this was because of the sin and shedding of innnocent blood in the land. The Lord was not willing to forgive.

Jehoiachin, his son, then reigned in his place.

Also read Jer. 25:1-3; 36:1-2; 45:1-2; 46:1-2


2 Chronicles 36:9-14

Jehoiachin was just eight years old when he became king. The land was in turmoil, under God's judgment and facing a deadly enemy. What a time for an eight year old king. He was on the throne just 3 monts and ten days (100 day?) In his one hundred days, his reign was characterized as evil in God's sight. He was then taken away to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar.

Zedekiah, Jehoiakim's borther, was made king over Judah and Jerusalem. He was 21 years old when his reign began and reigned 11 years. His rule and reign was evil in God's sight. The Chronicler particularly gives notice that he didn't humble himself before Jeremiah as he spoke God's word.

Zedakiah also rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar. In spite of the oath he swore, he hardened his heart and turned firther from the Lord. The leaders and priests followed his lead in turning form the Lord. They transgressed more and more, even to the point of defiling the temple.


2 Chronicles 36:15-23

The peole had been warned repeatedly by various prophets of God. The invitation to turn toward God and humble themselves clear but rejected by the people. These prophets were mocked and scoffed at; the words despised until God's wrath was on them. It's as if they were in pursuit of this outcome, because God was patient and merciful until there was no other outcome but that His judgment come and His wrath be unleashed on them.

The Sabbaths that had not been kept were owed; it was a seventy year sentence to exile as spoken of by Jeremiah (Jer 25:11-12; 29:10). Babylone came was ruthlessly conquered them, killing, burning, stealing and destroying. All those who didn't die were carried off to Babylon.

The accounts of the kings ends in the same way that the book of Ezra begins. It is the account of the decree of Cyrus, king of Persia.


©2017 Doug Ford