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Proverbs 4-10

Security in Wisdom
Peril of adultery
Dangerous promises - the wicked man -
Beware of adultery - Crafty Harlot
The excellence of Wisdom
The way of Wisdom


Proverbs 4:1-9

This proverb is a continuation of the father speaking to the son.  This wisdom and understanding doesn't just come naturally; it isn't absorbed or inherited, one must get it.  The father can only give, the son must get it.


The father remembers that his father gave him the same offer of understanding and wisdom.  The words were to be stored in the heart.  Obedience to the commands offered life.  He took it from his father and now passes it to his son.


With this, the father encourages the son to 'get' this wisdom and understanding, don't forget.  The son would be rewarded with preservation and keeping from loving and preserving this wisdom.  It was the principal (foundational) thing, not to be bypassed or taken lightly.  Exalt, honor and hold wisdom in high value and won't let you down.  It will promote you, ornament your life with grace and a crown and deliver you.  


Proverbs 4:10-13

The son was encouraged to 'hear' and 'receive' this instruction.  It was the key to a long and prosperous, peaceful life.  The walk of life was not hindered by foolishness; the run of life was smooth and without stumbling.  Take a firm grip, don't let go; don't assume wisdom is along for the ride, but assure the grip on her.  She is your life.


Proverbs 4:14-17

Wickedness and evil exist along the way of life.  They never rest, they never sleep; always lurking in an attempt to corrupt, stumble and take down the innocent.  The fool, scorner and simple fall prey to these, but not the wise.  They avoid these paths, turn away when they discover their existence.  The ways is guarded by wisdom. 


Proverbs 4:18-19

The paths are clear if one is paying attention.  The way of the just is shining, well lit and shining brighter, even making the day brighter.  The path of the wicked is darkness.  It causes stumbling and they don't even know what they are stumbling about because they exist in darkness.  They lack dicernment and wisdom to even recognize the stumbling ways.


Proverbs 4:20-27

Contstant attention and dilligence is required to keep the path.  These sayings and words were to be kept in the midst of the young man's heart.  This is the core of his being; part of who he was and would bring life and health.  Keeping the heart heal7thy and inclined to wisdom helped determine the kind of life you would lead.  It looked like:

  • Put away a deceitful mouth; Put perverse lips far form you
    • Integrity and focus on purpose.
  • Let your eyes look straight ahead; Let your eyelids look right before you
    • Boundaries and focus with eyes on the goal, not being distracted by sin.
  • Ponder the path of your feet; being established
    • Not pondering other paths; coveting, greedy,
  • Don't turn either way. Balance
    • Don't over compensaate from one distraction and fall the other way. 
    • There are two ditches.


©2017 Doug Ford



Proverbs 5

1-6; The son is instructed to pay attention and keep his ears open.  This is not just listening but aceepting, receiving this instruction.  In doing so, the son would be able to preserve discretion and his lips would keep knowledge.  We find out in verse three that this is given in the context of the temptation of illicit sex. 


This temptation will look fine; with the appearance of sweetness and smooth and nonthreatening.  The temptation is to give in; and we'll suddenly transition to the fool.  We become blinded by our flesh and desires; what appears harmless and fun turns out to be bitter and dangerous.  Her steps go down; the warning is don't go there.  Don't follow her because that path is unstable and descends to death and hell.


7-14; Because we know the adulteress is unstable and her ways are not known to you, it should elicit a response to the wise man.  He will remove himself from her.  The father paints this picture of a son flirting with sin, putting himself in the path of sin thinking he can handle it.  Then one day waking up and realizing, it all got away.  It's a slippery slide to destruction that seems to sneak up on a man; one day life is good, then a little compromise or minor indescrition begins to build until your life is characterized by disobedience, sin and total ruin.  We have a unique way of convincing ourself that we can handle it.  We'll be different.  We won't let it carry us off like others do.  When we think that way, we've taken the bait, the trap is sprung and beginning to close down on our life. 


15-20; Water was precious and treasured in the wilderness.  A man wouldn't flaught his water, he would protect and guard it.  The idea is to hold your wife to be precious and treasured.  Just like we wouldn't offer our water to anyone and everyone; we wouldn't do so with our wife; nor should we offer ouself in this way.  It's good for us to be captivated by our wife; but being captivated by this other women is destruction. 


21-23; God sees the paths we take, He is fully aware.  The wicked man is caught up in the traps of his ways.  The 'cords' are the corded of the snare.  His failure to heed the warning will bring this dark time.


©2017 Doug Ford



Proverbs 6

1-5; Friends who become surety for friends won't be friends much longer.  This is putting your life in the hands of another.  You will be responsible for the debt if the friend defaults on the loan.  If the man can't be surety for his load, why would you?  The instruction is that you're already in trouble; 'snared' and 'taken'.  The son is encouraged to go, right now, to this friend and plead to be released from this.  The pleading is to be onging, relentless and with urgency.  The call is to get out of this circumstance.  It will be like escaping a trap.

6-11; The ant is the example of wisdom and stands as an example to the sluggard.  He is supposed to consider the ways of the ant.  The sluggard skips work and sleeps; just a little longer, just a little more.  Rest begins to replace work.  There is a time to rest and a time to work; we are called to know the difference. 


12-19; The wicked and worthless man can be identified by his mouth; the mouth used for decieving.  The man winks, shuffles and points; all mundane things that any man might do.  But behind the scenes likes a perverse heart, devising evil, sowing discord.  Because of this, we can be assured that calamity is coming.  It's a matter of time before this man is broken with no means of healing.


The list doesn't mean these are the only things the Lord finds abominable.  The list is a literary device. An interesting contrast can be drawn between the 7 things God hates the the blessings of Matthew 5. 


  1. Haughty eyes.
    1. Blessed are the pour in spirit; the opposite of the pride of haughty eyes.
  2. A lying tongue.
    1. Blessed are those who mourn; the mouth is used to mourn over sin instead of sinning by lying.
  3. Hands that shed innocent blood.
    1. Blessed are the meek; the power under control of the master contrasted to the wickedness of self out of control.
  4. A heart that devises wicked schemes
    1. Blessed are those who hunder and thirst for righteousness; the feeding on righteousness and being filled with righteousness contrasted to the overflow of wickedness from the heart.
  5. Feet that art quick to rush into evil.
    1. Blessed are the merciful; the merciful person full of grace and understanding, with patienceis weighted against those rush to wickedness
  6. A false witness who pours out lies.
    1. Blessed are those pure in heart; lies pour out of the heart of the wicked, revealing his heart, while the blessed man is pure in heart
  7. A man who stirs up dissension among brothers.
    1. Blessed are the peacemakers; the peacemaker is characterized by working for peace and understanding while the wicked is charactized by stirring up trouble.


20-29; The son is once again commanded to bind these commandments and laws to his life.  They will slip so easily away if they aren't in you and on you at all times.  They are portrayed as a leader for you to follow; a guard to keep you safe when you slieep and a counselor to speak to you in your waking hours.  These commands light the way in the dark and sinfallen world; yes they will reproof you or rebuke you – this is normal in the learning and instruction process.  When we get an answer wrong, we are told, so we learn.  The instructions will:

  • Keep you from this evil woman
  • Keep you from flattering tongue of the seductress
  • Keep you from lusting after her beauty
  • Keep you from the alluring look

Being reduced to a 'crust of bread' is the picture of poverty.  Another thought is that the crust of bread was the price of a prostitute in comparison to the loss of life in an adulteress affair.  Can a man dabble in these dangerous things and get away with it?  Maybe for a time, or a season, but ultimately, the definitive answer is 'no'!


30-35; A thief might get some compassion for stealing to eat or feed his family.  But, he is still a thief and that brings consequences.  It isn't 'if' he is found, but 'when' he is found that he will have to restore sevenfold.  There is no compassion for the adulterer, nor is there a valid escuse.  The sin is its own punishment destroying the soul with guilt and dishonor; but also the jealous husband will bring vengeance.  In his jealous state, he won't be appeased or cooled by any means.


©2017 Doug Ford



Proverbs 7

1-5; The words of the father are to be treasured by the son as the father continues to teach about the immoral woman and the harlot. The 'apple of your eye' is the sparkle or twinkle in your eye.  It's the idea of keeping something close to you with your eye on it.  The commands were to be bound on their fingers; external and visible at the work of the hands.  They were to be written on the heart; witnessed in feelings, emotions, morality, integrity and character.  It speaks to the consistency of life, external and internal, in all that is said, thought and done.  Wisdom and understanding are far better companions than the immoral woman.  They are worthy of your time and consistent with the laws and commands.


6-20; The darkness was used to hide the immoral intentions of this youth.  He was flirting with disaster, gambling with life when his path led to this sin.  He made a conscious decision to take the path to her house and she met him there.  This harlot had a crafty heart; keeping her decietful nature hidden.  The young man is drawn in as she set her trap of sin.  The young man felt confident and in control; willing to listen even more.  At this point he was probably justifying the actions he was about to take.  "What's the harm?  Who will know?" 


21-27; The trap began to close as he yielded at her enticing speech and was seduced at her flattery.  How does the ox go to slaughter?  He is led there, never knowing what was about to happen.  Then the trap is sprung, the arrow is in the liver.  The liver was seen as the seat of life.  He had no idea of the cost just like the bird in the trap.  Therefore, the father says, you better listen.  Don't go by her house or stray down her paths.  Don't dabble with this sin because it will cost you dearly.  It will steal your life.  Many men learned the hard way; older and wiser men, better men had failed.  The young fool has no chance but to stay a long way off.    


©2017 Doug Ford



Proverbs 8

1-11; Wisdom doesn't sit quietly in some obscure place.  It's not hidden away to be forgotten to all but the most diligent.  Wisdom cries out to all of mankind; from the highest hill, at the busiest path, even at the gates of the city.  These would be the place where wisdom were most visible and present to all people.  She speaks excellent things, right things and truth.  There is no perversity or abomination found in her. 


The fool and the simple were to listen and receive instruction, knowledge and wisdom.  They would be found far more valuable than gold, silver or anything else a human heart could desire.  Nothing can compare!


12-21; Wisdom speaks as a person.  She dwells with prudence, knowledge and discretion.  To be in the company of one, puts you in the company of the others.  They go hand in hand.  Wisdom is never found in bad company; evil, pride, arrogance and the perverse mouth.  It is by wisdom man can rise to authority on a throne.  Wisdom loves those who love her.  Those seeking her will find her.  Yet, very few diligently seek wisdom.  Her promises include riches and honor as well as fruit, better than gold, or money better than silver.  Those who love wisdom will inherit wealth. 


22-31; Wisdom was with the Lord before the beginning of time.  This was before there was even an earth or any matter at all.  Wisdom was established from eternity past.  At the beginning of the creation, wisdom was present.  There is no way to deny the wisdom of creation.


32-36; Wisdom established herself; she is eternal, loving, righteous, God-fearing, kind, prudent, and so much more.  She established herself as worthy to be heard.  She offers blessings to those who keep her ways, who listen to her and watch for her daily.  Finding wisdom is finding life and favor.  Death is promised to those who hate her.


©2017 Doug Ford



Proverbs 9

1-6; Wisdom has built a house.  The seven pillars are the picture of perfection or completeness.  She is putting on a feast and does all the preparation.  Her invitation is offered from the hightest place in the city.  It's a cry to the simple and those who lack understanding to abandan their loyalty to foolishness and experience life.


7-9; The scoffer refuses correction of any kind.  They are arrogant and reject anyone elses ideas as lesser than they have for themselves.  This disqualifies them from obtaining wisdom; they are unteachable in their current state.  The contrast to rebuking this scoffer is the rebuke offered to the wise man.  He will receive it and love you for it.  Instruction offered to the wise and the just man makes them wiser still. 


10-12; Fear of the Lord is the first step toward wisdom.  This is understanding how big and perfect God is and how small and flawed we are.  It's recognizing just how needy we are.  Fear of the Lord requires humility.  This attitude makes us teachable.  There is little pride and arrogance in the way.  To receive wisdom offers a long and fruitful life.  We have a responsibility to accept this wisdom.  If you reject wisdom, you alone are responsible for this folly.


13-18; The foolish woman is contrasted to wisdom.  She is clamorous, boisterous; making a lot of noise but accomplishing nothing.  There is no preparation for the guests because she has nothing to offer.  Its interesting that her house is at the highest place of the city.  Seated, she cries out to those who pass by; to the simple and those who lack understanding.  Her offer is the bread and water of secrecy; this is her staples of life.  The stolen water and secret bread are likely sexual ephemisms from the promiscuous woman.  The simple and ignorant are lured there, not knowing that she offers only death.


Wisdom offers a life of understanding.  Folly offers only what is temporal.


©2017 Doug Ford



Proverbs 10

This chapter begins a collection of short sayings around a topic.  These short sayings are often what are referred to as Proverb.  The wise son and the foolish son are contrasted, examples of both ways are portrayed in these sayings.  


The treasures of wickedness don't offer any value.  The foolish son has assigned some value to the wicked things and holds them as a treasure.  In reality, they bring forth death and destruction.  The Lord guards and guides the righteous heart.  The wise son was given these examples:

  • Diligent in his labors
  • Receives commands
  • Walks with integrity
  • Is loving
  • Stores up knowledge
  • Labors with integrity
  • Keeps instruction
  • Watches his tongue
  • Possesses an everlasting foundation
  • Filters his thoughts (lips know what is acceptable)


The wicked man is characterized with these examples:

  • Lazy
  • Violent
  • Prating (foolish lips)
  • Perverse ways
  • Deceitful (winks his eye)
  • Hateful
  • Poor
  • Sinful
  • Refuses correction
  • Spreads slander
  • Lacking wisdom
  • Perverse mouth


The son would have to make a choice which path to follow.


©2017 Doug Ford