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Mark 16

Jesus Rises from the Dead
Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
Jesus Appears to Two believers on road
Jesus give great Commission
Jesus Ascends to Heaven

Mark 16:1-8

These women bought spices after the Sabbath was over (after sundown) and came to anoint Jesus' body.  The Jews didn't embalm, they wrapped the body in linen and perfumed the body.    The fact they were coming to anoint his body shows the women didn't believe or understand that he was going to rise from the dead.  Out of love and compassion for Jesus, they came to cover Him in spices to cover the smell of death and corruption. 


They had no plan because they didn't know who would roll the stone away.  Regardless, the day didn't go as they would have anticipated.  They found the stone rolled away.  They must have wondered what was going on.  Then they discovered someone inside.  This young man was clothed in white, implying he was angelic but Mark doesn't tell us that as Matthew did.  They were alarmed.  The grave was open, Jesus was gone and someone was there.


The young man attempting to calm them told them not to be alarmed.  Nothing odd, criminal or evil was going on.  No, it wasn't even an unscheduled event.  The young man proclaimed Him risen.  Gone!  Jesus had done what He said and He promised to meet with the disciples in Galilee.  This previously odd promise and comment must have thrown them when they first heard it.  Now it would become their direction as their life as a disciple once again had purpose. 

The stone was rolled away to let the witnesses in and not for Jesus to get out.  The empty tomb was for all the world to see.  Jesus had conquered death.  These ladies were called on to spread the news among the disciples – and Peter.  This sounded as though Peter wasn't a disciple at the time.  Or it may be the women didn't view him as a disciple, possibly at Peter's request.  Jesus includes him anyway in spite of the denials.  They were full of trembling, amazement and were afraid.  


Mark 16:9-20

The book of Mark ended at verse eight in many manuscripts.  It is common belief these verses were added later. 


The purpose of the remaining (possibly added) verses seems to be an effort to:

  • Give testimony to His resurrection
  • Give commission to His disciples.

These two would restore their sense of mission, to energize and give direction.


The term "He appeared" is used three times:

  • With Mary Magdalene
  • With Two disciples
  • Among the eleven

Each time, all the disciples were informed.  The response to the first was that they did not believe.  Then when the testimony came from two of them, they did not believe.  Then He appeared to them and rebuked their unbelief.  They could no longer deny His resurrection.


When they were past denial, commission was inevitable.  There is a right response to the good news of the resurrection.  It starts with 'Go'.  The entire world needed to hear this news.  At that moment in time, the good news was believed and the heart of Christianity was limited to that small group, in that room at that time.  Just consider how it has spread over the ages.  It didn't spread on its own.  It doesn't even spread at Church.  It spreads when people speak to other people.  It's the when good news of Jesus defines your life, and wherever you go, you speak of Him and what He's done for you. 


When the disciples 'Go' they would go with signs of His supernatural presence.  This supernatural work isn't something to display in church or a toy to display hoping others might want it.  The supernatural signs are the support structure for those who go.  How many have not went because they didn't see or feel supernatural? 


We are all called to go; different places different ways.  You need to answer that question for you.  How many are hiding in fear?  Or waiting for something?  Or wandering aimlessly in their faith?  If you are saved in Christ, He has appeared in your life.  The evidence of this appearance is the change in us.  Not the change we instituted but the new heart and desires in us, wrought by the Lord.  We are bought and paid for; there is no room for fear in that purchase, no allowance for hiding or no time for wandering aimlessly.  Go!


©2018 Doug Ford