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Ezekiel 14

Idolatry Will Be Punished
Judgment on Persistent Unfaithfulness

Ezekiel 14:1-3

It seems the spiritual leaders in exile regularly consulted with Ezekiel regularly.  They acknowledged him as a prophet and looked for the spiritual leadership whether they or not they all readily accepted what he said.  The elders sat before him to hear from him when the Lord revealed to Ezekiel that these men had set up idols in their hearts.  This could mean they wore amulets over their heart or that they were devoted to, and worshiped, other gods.  Amulets were widely worn to protect against all kinds of things; sickness, disease, to guard unborn child, etc.  These things were their stumbling block of iniquity, the same referenced in 7:19 to those in Jerusalem.  The Lord asks the rhetorical question.  These elders were coming to Ezekiel to hear a word from the Lord, yet in their heart they were hedging their bets.  If they didn't like the word they got, they would seek a better one from another. 


Ezekiel 14:4-5

The answer to the question is 'yes'.  The Lord allows them to inquire of him for the simple purpose of speaking into their life and turning them toward him.  The Lord wants to restore the relationship.  We know in our heart when the question was asked that the Lord has every right and reason not to hear and answer their inquiry.  Even with all the wrath and judgment, God is still long-suffering and desires all to come to repentance. 


Ezekiel 14:6-8

The elders came seeking a message of hope or encouragement from the prophet.  Here was the word they got from Ezekiel as he spoke the Lord's word.  They were to repent, turn back from their idols, turn away from the abominations.  This was their message and if they separated themselves from God, He would answer by Himself.  He would make them a proverb and sign.  The Lord would make an example of them for all to see.  Their idols were worthless.  There is no lord but the Lord God.  They would be cut off and the Lord would be known. 


The language to 'cut off' appears to be the same used in Leviticus 20:6 for the person who turns to magic and mediums.  It may be that was the abomination they were dabbling with; magic, incantations and amulets. 


Ezekiel 14:9-11

If the false prophet steps up to offer a word to win the people over and offer them hope saying, "Peace and safety!" then it will be because the Lord allowed it.  He will then stretch out his hand against them and destroy them.  They will be treated like the one who inquired of the Lord while their heart was devoted to idols.  After the prophet offering hope against God's word is not a prophet of God.  Therefore, who is he prophesying for?  What team is he on?  The Lord would deal with the prophet for the same reason, to cause Israel to repent so He might be their God and they His people.


Ezekiel 14:12-20

Each person is accountable for their actions.  Even if Noah, Daniel and Job were in their midst, it would not help them.  They could not deliver them.  How much less will idols, powerless gods, amulets and forbidden beliefs be found worthless.  The same is true regardless of mode of punishment:
  • Famine
  • Wild Beasts
  • Sword
  • Pestilence
These are the covenant curses of Leviticus 26:22-26. 


Note: the Daniel spoken of isn't likely a reference to the prophet Daniel.  He is a contemporary of Ezekiel also in the first group taken into exile.  There was a wise judge named Daniel in Canaanite literature (similar to Job).  This probably a reference to him.


Ezekiel 14:21-23

The four judgments were coming to Jerusalem bringing the covenant curses on the land.  Yet, in the midst of it, the Lord would save Himself a remnant.  They would bring comfort for those in exile when learned how bad the people were in Jerusalem and the kinds of things they were doing.  They would come to understand why judgment was necessary. 


See 2 Thessalonians 2. 


©2019 Doug Ford