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Ezekiel 36

Blessing on Israel
Renewal of Israel

Ezekiel 36:1-5

"Thus Says the Lord God" is like God pounding His pulpit to make a point.  He does so 4 times so far in this section.  This chapter is a summary of the last several; Israel was judged and thereby an example to the nations.  However, the nations were not wise.  They gloated over the judgment and so God judged them also.  The 'Aha' of verse two is the words of Edom at the fall of Jerusalem (35:10).  They gave God's land to themselves; big mistake!


Ezekiel 36:6-15

All the nations would be judged.  We've seen that in the previous chapters.  They would bear their own shame.  Then, things shift in verse 8; talk of Israel's shame now shifts to its future and hope.  You can see the reversal of all that was done.  God declares that He is for them where He had previously said He was against them.  God promised:

  1. He would turn to them
  2. The land would be tilled and sown
  3. He would restore the population
  4. The cities rebuilt

Part of this restoration is a different standing among the nations.  They would no longer hear the taunts.  They would no longer see the land devour young men as they attempt to live in it and possess.  This land has never seen real peace, and won't until Christ is on the throne. 


Ezekiel 36:16-21

Why does it bother us so that God would have concern for His Holy Name?  Why are we bugged that God expect His people to protect and glorify Him?  Isn't it true that, in our sin nature, its more natural for us to glorify our name?  To protect what we hold dear?  But He is God, our Creator.  The deeds of Israel looked like uncleanness, impurity; the 'filthy rags' Isaiah spoke of.  Because of the blood they shed through injustice and because of their idolatry, God poured out His fury.  They were scattered and dispersed among the nations.  Israel had defiled the land by her ways and deeds. 


Ezekiel 36:22-32

God will vindicate His Name.  The Israelites did damage to the reputation of the Lord among the nations.  God will restore His reputation of Holiness (His holiness wasn't damaged, only defamed).  The tarnish the Israelite sin caused to His reputation would be dealt with.  God makes it clear, He does this for His sake, for His name.  He will once again sanctify His great name – it will be set apart from all others. 


How will this be done? 
  1. He will gather them from among the nations where they had been dispersed.
  2. He will bring them back to the land.
  3. He would cleanse them from all their idols and sin.
  4. He would give them a new heart.
  5. He will put a new spirit within them.
  6. He will cause them to walk in His ways.

They will once again be His people and He will be their God.  We've seen partial fulfillment or shadows of it in their history.  They've certainly been gathered and in this alone we can say, "Only God could pull this off."  Their survival is s testament to God's hand on them and a testimony that He is not yet done with them.  Yet, there has not yet been a time of total transformation; a time when they've had a new heart and spirit to walk in the ways of the Lord and do them.  There will be a day when all this is fulfilled through Christ Jesus, when their stubborn, self-reliant nature is replaced.


God will bless them as outlined in Leviticus 26.  They will come to know all they've missed out on due to their sin.  It is then they will see themselves for what they've been.  They will have a clear understanding of their past and see God's love for them.  They will be ashamed and confounded. 


Ezekiel 36:33-36

At the same time the Lord cleansed them would also enable them to dwell lint he cities.  This is another reversal.  From judgment, the cities were uninhabitable, only to the beast.  The Lord would allow the ruins to be rebuilt.  The land that had been untilled would once again be farmed and managed and be productive.  The scriptures liken this picture to that of Eden.  It is then all the nations around would see this happening and recognize this as the hand of God.  The Lord would do it because it was spoken.


Ezekiel 36:37-38

The Lord would allow His children to ask this of Him.  They could ask that the land would once again be populated, alive and thriving.  Three times a year people would come to Jerusalem for the feasts; the population of the city would swell.  Many animals were present, huge flocks for sacrifice.  When they ask, the Lord would do this and all would again know that He is Lord.  How is this possible?  How will this happen?  This sets up chapter 37 where the Lord would explain.


©2020 Doug Ford