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Isaiah study & commentary

Isaiah 8

By Doug Ford
Assyria Will Invade the Land;
Fear God, Heed His Word

Isaiah 8:1-2

Isaiah was told to write with an ordinary pen on a large scroll – this was a direction to make a large placard for everyone to view.  It was to contain the "Maher-Shalal-Hash_Baz" which means "spoil speeds, prey hastens".  It was a reference to the rapidly approaching defeat of Syria and Israel as detailed in 7:18-25 prior.  This is his warning to the people of Israel before the fall to Aram (Syria).  Since Ahaz didn't trust in the Lord, the Lord would use to two witnesses to testify before the people.  Uriah and Zechariah were the witnesses to the prophecy before the people.  They would attest to the sure word of God.

Note: 2 Chronicles 11:14 – the faithful to God migrated South.  Likewise the unfaithful most likely migrated to the northern kingdom.  There really wasn't a division of 10 tribes and 2 tribes.  It was more a division of the faithful.


Isaiah 8:3-4
The prophetess is a rare distinction in the old testament; some believe this is Isiah's wife who gave birth.  God gave him the name: Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz.  Before the child grew up the prophecies would come true; the king of Assyria would carry off the wealth of Damascus and Samaria.


Isaiah 8:5-8
The gently flowing water of Shiloah refers to God's sustaining care and the dependence of the people on Him.  Because this was rejected, and they decided to seek help by forming partnerships with other nations, God would punish them.   Assyria would flow over the land like flood waters overwhelming every part of the nation.


The use of "Immanuel" links this judgment back to the original prophetic sign.  This is what it will look like when the Israel and Syria fall. 


Isaiah 8:9-10
"Shattered" means to lose courage by the pressure of sudden fear.  But the far countries were to understand that they only had victory because they were the instrument of judgment ordained by God.  The phrase 'For God is with us,' is Immanuel, the name of the One who will come with final victory over evil. The counsels and plans of man will fail.  Every attempt by mankind to rule itself will fail miserably in the end because of sin.  The only hope is Immanuel, God with us.


Isaiah 8:11-15   
It was with as strong hand the Lord spoke to Isiah.  This wasn't a feeling or an impression, this was a message that came to Him to firmly so as not to be mistaken about the intensity of the truth.  God expected this word to be obeyed. 

  • Do not walk as others walk: this wasn't separation for separation's sake.  This was obedience to His word, that alone would set them apart
  • Do not cry conspiracy!  Isaiah opposed the creation of any alliance with Assyria.  It wasn't an alliance, it was submission.  This may have been considered conspiracy and treason.  The command was to not all 'conspiracy' what the people call conspiracy.
  • Do not be afraid of the threats of Israel or Assyria (or anything else); don't be troubled.  In the Lord, they could experience an oasis of calm.


They were then given a short list of things to do: 

  • Hallow Yahweh.  They didn't need to appease kings and nations and the gods of nations, but only the Almighty God they knew.  Our eyes and emotions and life can lead us astray we suddenly empower many other things to strike fear in us.
  • Yahweh alone was to be feared.  These enemies could strike terror in the heart of man by their ruthless means.  What a fearful thing this would be to face this kind of evil without God. 
  • Yahweh was to be their dread.  If they were going to dread the future and have great anxiety over what might happen, they should focus on what might happen if they fall into the hands of God.

The Lord is a sanctuary, yet the rock of salvation would be stumbled over and offend both houses of Israel and even Jerusalem.  This stumbling will cause them to fall and be broken.  Paul quotes this passage in Romans 9:33; see also Luke 2:34; 1 Peter 2:8.


Isaiah 8:16-18
To 'bind up' and 'seal up' was to write the word down and pass it along to future generations.  Much of the prophecy from Isaiah didn't happen for 700 years.  Isaiah says he will wait on the Lord and his hope is in Him.  We need to be sure we are on God's time and not our time.


Isaiah and the children given him were living and breathings signs from God. 

  • Shear-jashub, "A remnant will return" (Isa 7:3)
  • Immanuel, "God with us" (7:14)
  • Maher-shalal-hash-baz, "Spoil speeds, prey hastens" (vv. 3–4).[1]

Isaiah 8:19-22

Why would it ever make sense to me to not seek the Living God, but instead seek dead people on behalf of the living?  For some, it seemed that consulting mediums and spiritists was more fruitful.  The practices continue today.  When things get bad for people they tend to turn on their kings and God.  This sounds very much like our world and culture.  See Deuteronomy 18:9. 


The use of the occult is all around us.  We don't' even recognize it many times.  We are a very spiritual people; however, we seem to be inclined to remove God from the equation.  Acknowledging and contacting spirit guides is popular among some.   These types of things are entries for evil spirits.  One of the worst and most popular entries for evil spirits is the Ouija board.  This boards are sometimes treated as games and show up anywhere and everywhere. 


©2018 Doug Ford

[1] Barry, J. D., Mangum, D., Brown, D. R., Heiser, M. S., Custis, M., Ritzema, E., … Bomar, D. (2012, 2016). Faithlife Study Bible (Is 8:18). Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.