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Isaiah study & commentary

Isaiah 20

By Doug Ford
The Sign Against Egypt and Ethiopia

Isaiah 20:1-2

Ashdod was one of the five largest Philistine cities.  Sargon, the king of Assyria sent Tartan, his commander to conquer them.  It was at this time that Isaiah was told by God to remove the sackcloth; which could have been from mourning or that may have been the apparel of the prophet.  To be naked was to remove outer clothes and sandals.  This was an acting out of the shame the Egyptians should feel as they turned their back on Judah.  Isaiah is playing the role of a captive.


These actions, no doubt, left Isaiah humbled.  It isn't enough to just speak it, but passion and belief and intensity are displayed and remember when they are seen.


Isaiah 20:3-6

Isaiah was told to walk around naked for 3 years at God's command.  This probably doesn't mean he walked around nude continuously for 3 years but it was likely done regularly or repeatedly.  He was acting out the shame the Egyptians and Ethiopians would feel in this coming time.  Part of the prophecy was that people would ask how they would escape if the Ethiopians and Egyptians were going to be led away. 


The Assyrian prisoners were led away barefoot and with the backside uncovered.  They would cut their garments short as an act of shame.  In some cases, we see the Assyrians put hooks in their prisoner's nose or mouth.  They were cruel and had no compassion on their enemies.


©2018 Doug Ford