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Isaiah study & commentary

Isaiah 41

By Doug Ford
Israel Assured of God's Help;
The Futility of Idols

Isaiah 41:1-7

God calls to the furthest locations to encourage the nations to remain silent as the people renewed their strength.  Then, they could come before Him in His courtroom where He stood as defendant and judge.  God invited them to come before Him where it would be determined who was the true God, Yahweh or the idols of the nations.  No one or no nation will stand before God and justify themselves.  Nations rise and fall at the sovereign will of God.


The 'one from the east' referred to in verse two is Cyrus the Great, king of Persia.  God called him to serve his purpose of overthrowing Babylon.  He was successful in lands he had never been before because he was serving God's purpose.  Each generation gets caught in its own problems that seem unique to them.  The powers of today will be humbled tomorrow.  God uses the kings, both good and bad for his purpose.  He is beyond the constraints of time, He is the first and last. 


When the nations saw Cyrus, the anointed leader from God, they refused to acknowledge him and turn toward God.  Instead they responded by encouraging each other and making more idols.  They say to each other be strong and courageous. Then they proceeded to make another idol.  And because the idol couldn't even stand on its own, they were careful to nail it down so it will not topple.  God taunted them for their idolatry and made fun of their idol god that couldn't even stand up.  What power could it possibly possess?


Isaiah 41:8-10

God called Israel His servant.  This designation sets them apart from the other nations.  Israel descended from God's friend, Abraham.  Being considered His friend is an even greater honor and designation than being His servant.  God gathered His people Israel and brought them back to their nation from the farthest regions of the world in 1948.  God was not done with them as a nation. 


God told them not to fear Him because He is their God.  They didn't have to worry about the judgment that He was bringing against the other nations because God would strengthen them and watch over them.  We've seen this in recent history where the victories can only be explained by divine providence.  In the last days, we will see this again as God will uphold His nation with His righteous right hand.


Isaiah 41:11-16

This is a reinforcement of God's covenant with Israel.  That covenant hasn't changed.  Those that rise up against Israel will be ashamed and disgraced.  God promised they would be as nothing.  The nations around Israel have one thing in common, they all want to wipe them off the map.  However, they can't agree on anything else.  They are so disjointed and wreckless in their ways they can't accomplish their goal.  This is a perfect picture of God's protection.


Israel will be sustained by the Lord, the redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.  By His strong right hand they will still exist when all the other nations fail.  He will fight their battles for them.  They will be as a threshing sledge with sharp teeth.  The mighty nations will be threshed and beaten down like chaff to be blown away by the wind.


Isaiah 41:17-20

The hand of the Lord is the Holy One of Israel.  He will care for them in personal ways, not just as a nation.  He will look after the least of them in the poor and the needy.  He will hear their cry for water and bring fountains, pools and springs for them.  The wilderness will be populated by these great trees and forests.  Instead of desert, the cypress and pine will grow and the land will be blessed by God.


This is done for one purpose; that they may:

  • See that God had done this
  • Know in a very real way about His work
  • Consider what it means in the face of their idolatry
  • Understand and apply what's learned – leading to repentance

Isaiah 41:21-24

God says He will do all these great things for His nation of Israel.  He'll do it so that all nations will see and know it was from Him.  God challenged the nations to bring their best argument and defense of the idols before Him.  He told them to present their case and show themselves worthy by predicting the future.  God challenged them to do either good or evil and show themselves competent.  After the challenge, God would proclaim them utterly worthless.  Those who choose the idols are detestable.


Isaiah 41:25-29

Verse 25 is another reference to Cyrus the Great.  He will come from the east at the will of God; ordained for His purpose.  What idol could call on His servant?  There were none.  There were no counselors; no one could offer a word.  They are all false; their images are but wind and confusion.


God's sovereignty remains steadfast and unshakable.  Men have challenged in from the garden of Eden and will challenge in the judgments of Revelation.  Yet, God remains unscathed, unscarred and His plan unaltered.  Where should your trust lie?


©2018 Doug Ford