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Isaiah study & commentary

Isaiah 45

By Doug Ford
Cyrus, God's instrument;
The LORD, the Only Savior

Isaiah 45:1-8

Cyrus was anointed by the Lord for His purposes.  Isaiah spoke of this appointment, calling Cyrus by name 150 years before he reigned.  This showed God's infinite providence over all that happens in the world.  He wasn't just a Jewish God, He is The God who created everything, controls everything and holds it all together.  Cyrus had many competing gods in his presence.  Those who saw the success of Cyrus as a ruler called him 'blessed by the gods'.  But which god or gods gets the credit?  He credited Marduk on the Cyrus cylinder for the conquering of Babylon.  Then, later, the Lord God set Himself apart from all others by naming Cyrus 150 years in advance.  The details in the second part of verse 1 and beginning of verse 2 appear as poetic language, but they may have had a very personal meaning for Cyrus. 


To anoint a gentile King for His purposes sent the message that God would call whom He chooses.  The Jews in exile would have understood and seeing this still gives us application today.  All that Cyrus accomplished was from God.  God told Cyrus that He gave him treasures so that he would know the God who called him by name.  Josephus recorded that Cyrus knew and understood that God was with him.


God called Cyrus by name even though he didn't know God or worship Him.  God said He named Cyrus even though Cyrus hadn't named God.  He did it for the sake of Israel.  He did it to glorify Himself through the nation He called His own.       


The remaining part of this section are just some incredible verses that speak of the power and sovereignty of God.  I am, I will, I am, I form, I make; there is no God besides Him.  Just reading these verses becomes worship.  God says He will "gird" Cyrus up so that the whole earth would know him.  'From the rising to the setting' is from one end of the earth to the other.  God would make that happen because He is the creator.   He formed the light, darkness, peace and calamity.  There is nothing He doesn't control.  God controls the physical rain, but he also controls the spiritual rain.  The blessing of righteousness and salvation can come from above or from the deep.  The earth can open and spring up righteousness and salvation.  Righteousness and salvation go together, they can't be separated.


Isaiah 45:9-10

How dumb to quarrel with our maker!!  Potsherd is broken pottery.  Is the pottery qualified to argue with the potter?  How can someone quiz parents regarding conception of child?  Likewise, how can the Jewish exiles understand redemption in the context of Persia coming?   They couldn't argue with God any more than clay could argue with the potter. 


Isaiah 45:11-13

God declared Himself as creator of all.  All things answer to Him and are at His disposal.  This includes Cyrus, who He raised up for His purpose to rebuild His city.  Cyrus issued the decree to do that in 538B.C.  See Ezra 1:1 & 2.


Isaiah 45:14-17
In the coming messianic kingdom the entire world will submit to Israel.  These are 3 key nations of that time that lie to the south.  They shall submit themselves to Israel saying that God is in Israel.  He is the true God and there is no other.  That statement seems so far from this world; from the time we are living in where everyone is timid about proclaiming truth and God.  In Isaiah 43:3 these nations were ransomed for Israel.


God's purpose has been hidden many times in history.  It wasn't that long ago that no one would believe that Israel would be a nation again.  God's ways don't always make sense to us right off the bat.  When we see Israel being judged for their sin, we can't imagine a time when the world powers will submit themselves to Israel.  The idol makers will be disgraced and ashamed when their idols prove powerless and useless.  Israel, however, will be saved by the Lord with an everlasting salvation.


Isaiah 45:18-19

There is but one answer to the serious of questions.  That answer is that He is Lord and there is no other.  He hasn't kept this hidden in a dark and secret place.  It has been in the open as He revealed it through His people and through the words of the prophets.  God wasn't playing guessing games with Jacob to seek Him for no purpose.  God is righteous and speaks righteousness.  These things are right because God declared them; that makes them righteous.  Righteousness is declared by God's providence.  There is no other authority.  What God declares right is right.


Isaiah 45:20-21

Many times those who have latched on to a false teaching and false god find comfort in numbers.  They figure if everyone else is doing it or believing it, then it must be all right.  God invites them to assemble themselves.  The people of that time carried the carved wooden image and prayed to it.  God said it couldn't save them, but they could bring forth their case.  It was time for these wooden gods to show their power over His.  But God's power and authority is of old.  He prophesied through godly men what would happen and He brought it about.  He is God and there is no other.  This is in agreement with the declaration of Moses in Deuteronomy 4:35 and it is written about again in Mark 12:32.      


Isaiah 45:22-25

This is the time when the whole world can look at their worthless idols, cast them away and still turn to the Lord.  He commands them to look to Him and be saved because He is the only source of spiritual salvation.  There is no other God.  He is the righteous God and Savior.  His word has gone out to the world.  It is a righteous word and it won't return void.  By His word, every knee shall bow and every one will declare Him Lord.  This is quoted in Romans 14:11; we see it referred to in Philippians 2:10.  There will come a day when all of mankind, every person, of every walk of life will come to the knowledge of God and understand His holiness and righteousness.  Those who waited too long to recognize this will, nevertheless, agree with God's judgment on them.  Those who once denied Him to their dying day, will stand in His presence.  On that day, it won't matter how sincere they were about their idols or who they might cast blame for their unbelief.  In our sinful nature we hate and despise God.   The faithful descendants of Israel, the remnant, that trust in the Lord will be justified by Him.


©2018 Doug Ford